Thanks Cappytan for the mention.
Apple products are slick - WT is trying so hard to make their products as slick. Apps instead of mags, carts instead of DTD etc.
Apple building are 100% corporate - WT new KH design looks just as corporate
Apple are filthy rich - One would argue WT has a LOT of money stashed away
Apple release something new every year at their AGM - WT AGM we usually get "NU LITE"
Apples old products go out of date quickly - WT teaching seem to have the same shelf life these days
Apple and their followers are convinced their products are the best and are at the forefront of innovation, when in fact, the new iPhone 6 had the same technology as a phone 2 years earlier. The iPhone just looked slicker - WT thinks they are at the forefront of religious doctrine and teaching, when in actual fact they are trailing the pack, with Mormons and (cough) Scientology leading the way with the NET and video and all that jazz.
You get the idea....